The following are the results from previous years of the SMWC Perpetual and Achievement Awards. These are downloadable files. 



Traveling_Trophy_Results_2009.doc Traveling_Trophy_Results_2009.doc
Size : 45.5 Kb
Type : doc
Traveling_Trophy_Results_2008.doc Traveling_Trophy_Results_2008.doc
Size : 43 Kb
Type : doc
Traveling Trophy Results 2007.doc Traveling Trophy Results 2007.doc
Size : 48 Kb
Type : doc
Traveling Trophy Results 2006.doc Traveling Trophy Results 2006.doc
Size : 48.5 Kb
Type : doc
Traveling Trophy Results 2005.doc Traveling Trophy Results 2005.doc
Size : 38 Kb
Type : doc
Traveling Trophy Results 2004.doc Traveling Trophy Results 2004.doc
Size : 42.5 Kb
Type : doc

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